Styles of spirituality: Basic religious temperaments

Ross Woods. Based on Fowler N.d.

There are six basic religious temperaments. Each view defines a particular emphasis on what it means to be spiritual. Each church and individual Christian tends toward some views and away from others. All of them can be good and none is altogether right nor wrong in itself. Consequently, there is little value in arguing that one is right and the others are wrong.

  1. In your comparisons, consider any relevant factors, e.g. purposes, strategies, chief characteristics and emphases, implementation, and effectiveness.
  2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each one?
  3. What are the lessons to be learned from the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?

1. Evangelism

The purpose of our faith is to reach out to those outside the walls of our church so that they can also believe in Christ.

2. Teaching

The way to become spiritual is to focus on teaching the Bible so that we can understand it and apply it in our lives. That's why we have Bible studies and expository sermons.

3. Ecstatic

Christians should be joyful, so our worship needs to be a positive experience of worshipping God, so that we can know him personally. Music is helpful, and people need some freedom to worship in creative ways. Our people find it quite boring to be still, quiet and reflective.

4. Ceremonial and symbolic

We have ceremonies that reflect our history and celebrate our past. Most aspects of worship have a symbolic meaning, and learning the meanings of each symbol helps us to further appreciate spiritual truth.

5. Good works

We are called to serve the poor and needy. We put a lot of energy into helping those who cannot help themselves, whether their needs are lack of food, inadequate clothing, homelessness, family problems, addiction, or some other kind of need.

6. Mystical-contemplative

Being a Christian is about being personally in touch with God, so we need time away from noise and busy-ness to be quiet, reflective, and prayerful. Knowing God is not about being noisy, excited, or preoccupied with externals. It is inward, quiet and personal.